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  • P
    I received a used compact from a friend recently. He told me he doesn't have the screw driver and that I'd need to get some screws...
  • Im this guy
    Im this guy reacted to skimallard's post in the thread Suggestions with Like Like.
    Hey there, I totally get your frustration with the Cyborg. It's such a bummer when an awesome product has these design and material...
  • Im this guy
    Check on whether usb cable is fully plugged in. Ideally test another usb cable and a different usb port. Was there a usb notification...
  • S
    skimallard replied to the thread Suggestions.
    Hey there, I totally get your frustration with the Cyborg. It's such a bummer when an awesome product has these design and material...
  • K
    Quick Azeron Gaming Keypad Hard Reset Guideも試しましたが、認識されませんでした。
  • K
    Azeron Software v1.5.3をダウンロードしたタイミングから、Azeron CyborgⅡがPCにも認識されず、LEDも点灯しません。 タイプCケーブルを変更しても認識されません。 どうすればよいでしょうか
  • Im this guy
    This might not work for you, but if you look on the pictures of the Cyborg above the joystick there's a small toggle switch. That is...
  • Im this guy
    Hi, That's a great observation! The toggle switch on the Cyborg indeed functions like a mini d-pad with programmable directions and a...
  • Im this guy
    Im this guy reacted to dgknuth's post in the thread Feedback for Cyro 2.0 with Like Like.
    I agree with most of what you posted, especially the wheel. On the adjustability of the body, the biggest issue I have is that it's...
  • Im this guy
    Im this guy reacted to dgknuth's post in the thread Strap Improvements? with Like Like.
    Easiest fix for this is to simply replace the velcro with something better. I wrote up a thing in another thread on an idea to use...
  • D
    dgknuth replied to the thread Strap Improvements?.
    Easiest fix for this is to simply replace the velcro with something better. I wrote up a thing in another thread on an idea to use...
  • D
    dgknuth replied to the thread Feedback for Cyro 2.0.
    I agree with most of what you posted, especially the wheel. On the adjustability of the body, the biggest issue I have is that it's...
  • J
    Hi, That's a great observation! The toggle switch on the Cyborg indeed functions like a mini d-pad with programmable directions and a...
  • Im this guy
    Im this guy replied to the thread Red Cyro.
    The version is not currently purchasable. Custom colors are planned at some point, but currently it has been delayed for some time
  • C
    CridacS posted the thread Red Cyro in Help.
    Hi everyone, I have searched the forum but did not find any information, so I wanted to ask. Is it possible to buy the version of the...