Binding special characters to Cyro software?


New member
Sep 4, 2023
I'm learning Spanish and I thought it would be convenient for me to assign the special Spanish characters with accents (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡) to keys on my Cyro keyboard. I used AutoHotkey to reassign some keys to these special characters and tried to bind them in the Cyro's software. The software didn't process it and registered them as blank characters. When I typed with those keys with the special characters assigned it just typed a 0. Is there a way I can have the software recognize special characters like the accented letters (or any other weird characters I want to experiment with in the future)? For the time being I'll do the reverse process, have a key process a regular letter then change into an accented letter by AHK.

Thank you in advance to any help

Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021
I'm learning Spanish and I thought it would be convenient for me to assign the special Spanish characters with accents (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡) to keys on my Cyro keyboard. I used AutoHotkey to reassign some keys to these special characters and tried to bind them in the Cyro's software. The software didn't process it and registered them as blank characters. When I typed with those keys with the special characters assigned it just typed a 0. Is there a way I can have the software recognize special characters like the accented letters (or any other weird characters I want to experiment with in the future)? For the time being I'll do the reverse process, have a key process a regular letter then change into an accented letter by AHK.

Thank you in advance to any help
Currently the software only recognises the QWERTY layout.
Not sure how you are accessing the characters, but I would assume á = shift + a
Find the button on the qwerty keyboard (if its R on qwerty as an example) then bind shift + r