Key Repeat Suggestion


Verified member
Dec 20, 2023
Currently holding down two buttons on the Cryo, one bound as keyboard 'A' and another bound as 'B', will generate an output of 'ABBBBB' or 'BAAAAA' depending on which key was last activated.

I play a lot of MMOs where I want a skill to be actioned the moment it comes off cooldown. I was hoping that by holding down both keys, they would alternate so that I would never have to lift my finger off the main attack button.

I have other conventional controllers that are able generate outputs in an alternating fashion 'ABABAB' or 'BABABA'. Assuming this is a software change rather than hardware limitation, I wondering if a feature could be developed that allows the user to decide if inputs are being alternated versus spamming the button that was activated last.

While this thread was posted specifically for the Cyro, the same input behavior may be applicable to the Cyborg product line. Please chime in if other users would appreciate such functionality!

Thank you for the consideration :)
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New member
Oct 2, 2024
This is an absolute necessity IMO. I have been unable to make a proper transition from Logitech because their software allows this behaviour with their macros.

There was no need for alternating patterns either or anything that complex. The Logitech software just fires the key using the ms delay and works absolutely fine.

The issue with the Azeron implementation is that only the most recent macro fires, overriding the previous ones.

Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021
This is an absolute necessity IMO. I have been unable to make a proper transition from Logitech because their software allows this behaviour with their macros.

There was no need for alternating patterns either or anything that complex. The Logitech software just fires the key using the ms delay and works absolutely fine.

The issue with the Azeron implementation is that only the most recent macro fires, overriding the previous ones.
Input sequence option doesn't help in this case?