... This is such an oversight...
There should be a table of games with their corresponding default bindings. Making profiles for each and every games yourself is highly time consuming. Afterwards, you'd still want to easily move things around as well as being able to copy the bindings to a different key, doubling the same binding on 2 or more keys.
The Logitech G13 software is what you're aiming to have something similar to.
*. An online list of games that you can simply download and place individual binds on each of the keys (albeit in Azeron case, you'd want to have boxes for each of the button press (single/long/double) along with the default setting for each of the type of button press.
The amount of time saving when you do this is huge...
*. A way to edit those default key binds after downloading it.
*. The Cyborg II now has more storage which should be more than enough for the macros to be stored on board instead of requiring an app to be constantly running in the background.
*. There should be a toggle whether we want Azeron to just push the keybind ONCE, or multiple times when we keep pressing the button. Quite often I got the long press for pasting clipboard item and often gotten the timing not quite right and thus Azeron just pasted the clipboard multiple times.