I would love an option to buy a 'conversion kit' to maky my regular cycborg a 'compact'


New member
Jul 27, 2022
To start out, I think I understand why you have the spare parts gated behind a customer service interaction. It'd be kind of a hassle to shell those out to consumers while wanting to prioritize customers with issues first.

However, I'd definitely be willing to shell out some cash for a replacement set of 'fingers' to either selectively or entirely convert my keypad over to the compact/regular format. After playing around with my regular pad for a bit, I'm feeling a bit of discomfort and awkwardness hitting a few of those top set of buttons. A 10-15% surcharge over your normal parts prices wouldn't really deter me at all.

You've got a great thing going here. The modular construction lends itself to personal adjustment very well, but I'd love to see a little more customization potential beyond just rearranging things.
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New member
Jul 28, 2022
I second this, was coming here to post a very similar thing. I would love to be able to upgrade my Azeron compact to a cyborg. I love my Azeron and would be happy to pay for an upgrade kit but it would take a major feature upgrade like bluetooth to convince me to buy a whole new unit.