How to Macro: E held down, then add SPACE with the E down (*single* keypress) ?


New member
Mar 8, 2024
EDIT: I found the MACRO selection in the SINGLE PRESS area. Still fumbling around with the new software.

. . . . . . . . .

I don't know if the "double press" heading is just counterintuitive or what? Do I have to double press to do this?

That's the only place I found so far that has multiple key events with timers.

I don't want E + space, I don't want E pressed and released and then space separate.

I want to have a *single* press on the controller button do this:

press "E",
hold "E" down
<delay (sustain) a very short time>,
Press Space while E is still held down
Release E
Release Space

This would allow me to hit the button as if it was a forward roll button instead of having to hold forward and then hit a 2nd button for roll.

I realize I can set the arrow icons in the double press MACRO config area to "press, but don't release" , "release but don't press" etc. but I haven't had any luck with it making me forward roll with E, E+Space with a single button press so far. Maybe there is another section in the software to do this or something. I just got it so forgive me for being new to the software.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Last edited:


New member
Mar 8, 2024
I got it working but will probably tweak the timings a little more to make sure there is no hiccups. It's for Elden Ring by the way but might apply to some other similar games in the genre. Might still have to time swapping back to the plain old "E" forward button coming out of macro rolls, I'll have to keep testing.

For now I have it set to (single key macro)

BUTTON <press don't release> " E "
BUTTON <press and release> "Space" , Duration 30 ms
DELAY 20 ms
Button <release, don't press> " E"
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