Forum Rules

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Staff member
Jun 8, 2021
  • Be kind and civil. Insulting or bullying other members or non-members will get you banned from the group without prior warning. We do not condone foul language. Breaking this rule once will land you a warning/banning.
  • No advertising. Don’t use the group to advertise your or someone else’s business, page, fundraiser, or website. These posts will be immediately removed and you might get banned.
  • Use the search option. To avoid cluttering the forum, please search the feed before asking a question. Someone might have already asked the same thing before.
  • Stick to the topic. We only allow posts and comments related to the group’s activity. Off-topic content will be removed and you will get a warning.
  • Use mostly English. To make sure all members of the group understand you, please try to use only the English language. If you have some doubt about your knowledge, don’t worry, English isn’t our native language either.
  • Report rule-breaking. If you see a post/comment that violates our rules, report it to the admins — DO NOT verbally attack the author of said post/comment.
  • Think before you report. Don’t report posts or comments that aren’t breaking any rules just because you don’t like or agree with their content.
  • We don’t mind if you post your or your friend’s keypad or stream with a hand cam and visible Azeron keypad or if you sell your Azeron keypad on this page to other users (only in good condition). If you are selling an Azeron keypad you may post ONCE and leave the post standing until the sale is done, then delete the post. No discussions in Marketplace channel other than the sales posts, DM questions to the seller directly. We will delete everything else in that channel.
  • Recommendations and experience. Feel free to leave some recommendations or share your experience with the Azeron keypad, it might help someone to make the best decision of his life – buy the Azeron keypad for himself.
  • Please don't use :done:. This is used by staff to show they have replied to something per DM or implemented a piece of feedback.
  • Talk to the admin team. If you have any questions or concerns or are experiencing issues in the group, please turn to one of the admins for help. That’s what we’re here for!
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