Fifth one : About Azeron Software


Verified member
Dec 27, 2022

Fifth part of my feedback and suggestion : About Azeron Software.

The Azeron Software alow many possibilities, but i think it can be improved even more !

Undo/Redo function :

Integrate CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y into the software !!
It's easy to delete a shortcut and not remember what it was... Yes, I'm speaking from experience... x)

Profile test mode :

A test mode where we are able to test our keypad without any effects from the keys we press.
I was testing if my profil (wich have a key with "tab") was good with the placement i choose for every keys, i kept going to the profile title, and changed it by the keys I was pressing...
Basically, a mode that would simulate a blank profile even though it isn't, so we can test different key sequences with visual feedback but without the drawbacks.

Color customization :

I would like to be able to customize the colors of each key in the software.
Although the keys readability in the software is pretty good, being able to match the keys to the colors of your keypad would further optimize it, especially during initial setup. This way, at a glance, I can see which key on the software corresponds to which key on my keypad.
And for this purpose, in addition to a color wheel, why not offer a standard palette with the different plastic colors you offer for the keys.

An example of color customization, with the color of my keypad.
My keypad for comparison

The interest could also be to match a particular action with a color, for example, red for the attack key, thus maintaining this color code across different profiles. And from one profile to another, for different types of games, I have a color code that quickly shows which keys are for attacks, inventory, menus, movement, etc...

And thus being able to also customize the background of the keys to change the contrast compared to the chosen color code for our keys.
Also, the possibility to set up color setting which will always be set by default on new profiles.

Customize key names :

Being able to put a title on each key, indicating which in-game action the key performs, for example, being able to indicate "main attack," "secondary attack," "inventory," "menu," "menu navigation," "map," etc... And why not, in addition to the title, an annotation that will also be visible on the key.

A glimpse of what it could look like, i dont paintshop all keys but you have the idea :)

I see the interest in three cases:
  • When creating the profile, to find our way more easily by seeing which actions have already been assigned.

  • When I come back to a game after a long time, seeing the titles of the keys in the game profile immediately tells me what it corresponds to in the game. It's much easier to get back into the game without fumbling. Obviously, it must have been done when creating the profile.

  • In addition to the title, in the annotation, we could indicate if this key has a different "name" in the game (when it's a console game that has been adapted for PC, for example). In Dark Souls 1, the keys in the game are those of the Xbox controller, so if I indicate the Xbox key in addition to the action, it's even easier to navigate and associate the keys.
    Thus, the annotation could be a checkbox option to indicate if in the game it's an Xbox, PS, or other controller. Thus, directly in the annotation, I can choose to display the icons of the keys "A," "X," "left directional arrow," "LT," "LR," etc...

Example with few Xbox keys

To go further with color or name customisation :

If i setup a particuliar color for always same action between different game, i can "past" a key directly from an other profil, like this i dont have to rename each key of the new profil but simply choose in a personalised color palette wich allow to import the name and the keyboard shortcut.

Changing the orientation of the 5-way switch keys :

If I rotate the joystick almost 90°, the 5-way switch keys are automatically rotated as well. And when for me, I visually activate the 5-way switch key forward in the Azeron software, I activate the right 5-way switch key.

Joystick to the front, 5-way to the front too. But as you can see, visualy it's the right one which is active
Joystick to the front, 5-way to the left
Joystick to the front, 5-way to the back
joystick to the front, 5-way to the right

More advanced joystick adjustment :

Rather than a nice cross with 90° angles between the 4 directions, we could have an asymmetrical layout and thus change the values of the angles.
If you look closely at your movements on the joystick circle, you'll realize that the thumb's trajectory is not a perfect up/down or left/right translation, it traces more of an arc. This induces an asymmetry in the 4-direction cross.

The trajectory of thumb is not linear, instead circular

You can see an asymmetry that "pulls" left and right down. And even if it doesn't seem huge, I see the effects in game : In Dark Souls when I want to change tabs or move up/down in the inventory, I struggle because sometimes the movements get confused.

So being able to modify this would be great ! We would really have a setting that would be as close as possible to the natural movements of the thumb.

This could be done manually by changing the angles between the 4 directions.
Or, even better, assisted like the test to define the Deadzones. So a test asking us to go several times forward, backward, left, right, etc...
Then, to go even further in precision, to make round trips between two opposite positions, or to chain two, three, four (?) successive positions like forward then left then right, backward then right then right again then frontward, etc...

After which it would automatically determine the ideal position of right, bottom, left, and top, without focusing on a cross with 90° angles. And it could even make the modification of the joystick angle in passing.
And as for assisted test for deadzones, the test is done outside of any profiles, to have your settings set once for all. Or maybe that be also alowed to personnalise even more in each profiles could be great too ?

And add an option to choose whether to do the blind test (without visual feedback) or even via an overlay that allows you to do the positioning test in-game, by directly moving your character.
Indeed, I also noticed that my way of moving the joystick was different in the game than during the test on the software : By having visual feedback of my action on the joystick, I unconsciously modify its trajectory, to direct it "where I would like it to go" and not "where my thumb would like to go".
So I had to do several tests in the game to modify the joystick angle to adjust it more or less correctly, and i'm still not really satisfied with my actual settings for it :/
I don't move the joystick the same way during tests on the Azeron software as I do in the game to move my character.

Looking forward to seeing the changes !

Here is my fifth thread, last one will follow !

Have a nice day !

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Verified member
Dec 27, 2022

I have to add something for the Azeron software, i play again to ESO and i'm currently rebinding my ESO profil, haaaaaaaaaaa
It's really boring to do without being methodical... And as i always be an "error practice learner", i tried binding by modifying both ingame binding and Azeron Software binding... And it's a mistake for sure...
So i tried in an other way : by firstly randomly binding my ESO profil on Azeron software (mostly to avoid "alt" and "shift", because "alt + shift" is the windows shortcut for switching azerty to qwerty, if you enabled both keyboard). And why the hell i enabled this option in windows ? Because of games in qwerty...

Well my problem is that now i'm annoyed with compatibility between game and azeron keyboard. When i'm in AZERTY mode in ESO and my binding done for AZERTY Azeron Software, ESO take an "Z" press on the keypad for a "W"...
Probably because Azeron Software think that we all are in QWERTY mode.

SO ! You REALLY need to add AZERTY keyboard in the setting of Azeron Software.... All AZERTY users will thank you ! And probably need to add german keyboard, and other type of keyboard too... However Chat GPT told me that only 2% of world users are AZERTY, so i doubt you'll do something for that. But maybe a guide or something like this, which explain what to do ?

By checking difference between the two keyboard, apparently there's only only 6 differences for the 6 keys here : A, Z, Q, W, M, ",/?" or ";/:"
And by avoiding this 6 keys on Azeron Solftware i avoid problems.

I think for AZERTY users, the best way to do binding in Azeron software is to do them in Qwerty mode.

Maybe a little tutorial included in Azeron Software (AS) could be a great idea :
I just discovered a cool option in AS by thinking that it could be cool to be able to "clic-slide" to exchange two binding... And when i tried it i was really surprised to see that it was already done ! :eek:
Good job for this one !
But this story shows that it lack somewhere a tutorial that shows all possibilities of AS, IN the software, because if you have to search for something without knowing that it exist you will (surely) not find it.
A tutorial that we can skip and easily find again for the moment we need to see other options of AS.

Have a nice day !

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Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021
It`s a small portion of AZERTY users, currently far of priority list for to-do`s, the workaround works with switching the keyboard layout to QWERTY to map it and then switching back to AZERTY.


New member
Nov 30, 2024
bonjour a tous ,je comprend qu'on soit une petite minorité et en plus si on est pas très bon dans la maniement des clavier sa devient embêtants.
dommage que azeron qui existe depuis 2021 n'as pas su mettre un petit logicielle depuis le temps .