Cyberpunk 2077 - QUERTY instead of QUERTZ


Verified member
Dec 16, 2024

I think I encountered a very strange behavior of Azeron's Software:
I configured Keybinds as "Z" as well as for "Y". My keyboard is QUERTZ.
Azeron correctly recognizes "Z" and "Y" when assigned.
However, Cyberpunk takes the "Z" for the "Y" and vice versa.
When I use my keyboard and press "Z", it registers it correctly as "Z" and "Y" as "Y".
Is there a setting in Azeron's software which sends the key inputs as QUERTY instead of QUERTZ?

2) It's a bit "fiddly" to use the thumbstick (no matter if in Keyboard or 360 mode) to drive around in Cyberpunk.
I added my xBox 360 controller in parallel and use it for driving around. The xBox controller is way smoother with steering inputs:
Is there a way to reduce the "sensitivity" of the Thumbstick in Software?

Thanks in advance for any tips ;-)

Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021

I think I encountered a very strange behavior of Azeron's Software:
I configured Keybinds as "Z" as well as for "Y". My keyboard is QUERTZ.
Azeron correctly recognizes "Z" and "Y" when assigned.
However, Cyberpunk takes the "Z" for the "Y" and vice versa.
When I use my keyboard and press "Z", it registers it correctly as "Z" and "Y" as "Y".
Is there a setting in Azeron's software which sends the key inputs as QUERTY instead of QUERTZ?

2) It's a bit "fiddly" to use the thumbstick (no matter if in Keyboard or 360 mode) to drive around in Cyberpunk.
I added my xBox 360 controller in parallel and use it for driving around. The xBox controller is way smoother with steering inputs:
Is there a way to reduce the "sensitivity" of the Thumbstick in Software?

Thanks in advance for any tips ;-)
Try changing the keyboard layout to QWERTY, map the Y where you want the Y to be, then switch over to QWERTZ and it should input Z, even though in Azeron software it would show Y.

What do you mean with fiddly?

Reducing sensitivity can be done by changing upper deadzone value
Trigger magnitude setting


Verified member
Dec 16, 2024
actually, that is the way it's already working for me. I just mapped Z/Y vice versa in Azeron.
Since I use Labels, it's not that bad. I was just wondering, why the game is registering the regular Keyboard input Z with Z, but when assigning Z with the very same keyboard to Azeron's Software, the game registers Y instead.
It's an easy fix, but was just curious why that is. Haven't tested other games with Z/Y yet.

Regarding the sensitivity, you mean probably "Sensititvity Threshold" and "Trigger Magniture" under "Advance".
Is there a like a "default" you would recommend, which is similar to the regular xBox 360 controller?

Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021
actually, that is the way it's already working for me. I just mapped Z/Y vice versa in Azeron.
Since I use Labels, it's not that bad. I was just wondering, why the game is registering the regular Keyboard input Z with Z, but when assigning Z with the very same keyboard to Azeron's Software, the game registers Y instead.
It's an easy fix, but was just curious why that is. Haven't tested other games with Z/Y yet.

Regarding the sensitivity, you mean probably "Sensititvity Threshold" and "Trigger Magniture" under "Advance".
Is there a like a "default" you would recommend, which is similar to the regular xBox 360 controller?
Azeron software only recognises the QWERTY, so any other keyboard layout you`ll use you`ll have to map it by switching to qwerty first and mapping the key that is in the same place.
In the next software version some changes will be made, so hopefully soon it will read the keys as they are regardless of the keyboard layout selected.

I`m not sure what would be the closest to xbox controller, it would be easier to understand if you would make a comparison video between Azeron and controller, if possible.

Export the log file from software / settings / troubleshooting with Azeron connected, I`ll be able to see your settings.


Verified member
Dec 16, 2024
I managed to get it under control: Cyberpunk has an ingame Option for sensitivity of the analoge stick.
Regarding the QUERTY/QUERTZ situation: reWASD has the same "issue", only difference is that it straight away gives you the input it's going to sent to the game.
If you press in reWASD on a QUERTZ keyboard "Z", it registers it as "Y" directly. Azeron's Software registers it as Z but sends it as "Y" :)
As said: it's not a big deal.
I only wished QUERTZ input would be an input. It's used mainly in Europe, which is not a small part of the world.
Have a great day
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