I think I encountered a very strange behavior of Azeron's Software:
I configured Keybinds as "Z" as well as for "Y". My keyboard is QUERTZ.
Azeron correctly recognizes "Z" and "Y" when assigned.
However, Cyberpunk takes the "Z" for the "Y" and vice versa.
When I use my keyboard and press "Z", it registers it correctly as "Z" and "Y" as "Y".
Is there a setting in Azeron's software which sends the key inputs as QUERTY instead of QUERTZ?
2) It's a bit "fiddly" to use the thumbstick (no matter if in Keyboard or 360 mode) to drive around in Cyberpunk.
I added my xBox 360 controller in parallel and use it for driving around. The xBox controller is way smoother with steering inputs:
Is there a way to reduce the "sensitivity" of the Thumbstick in Software?
Thanks in advance for any tips ;-)
I think I encountered a very strange behavior of Azeron's Software:
I configured Keybinds as "Z" as well as for "Y". My keyboard is QUERTZ.
Azeron correctly recognizes "Z" and "Y" when assigned.
However, Cyberpunk takes the "Z" for the "Y" and vice versa.
When I use my keyboard and press "Z", it registers it correctly as "Z" and "Y" as "Y".
Is there a setting in Azeron's software which sends the key inputs as QUERTY instead of QUERTZ?
2) It's a bit "fiddly" to use the thumbstick (no matter if in Keyboard or 360 mode) to drive around in Cyberpunk.
I added my xBox 360 controller in parallel and use it for driving around. The xBox controller is way smoother with steering inputs:
Is there a way to reduce the "sensitivity" of the Thumbstick in Software?
Thanks in advance for any tips ;-)