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  1. G

    World of Warcraft Classic keybinds

    Ctrl + 1 is pet actions the rest you can modify with alt or shift on your mouse and you have tons of bindings for whatever spells you want. 1 through = on the keyboard whenever i need to move in a direction and cast those pet actions, i just hold LMB + RMB and press them. or jump strafe in the...
  2. G

    Fortnite binds (by Raider464)

    Yeah zad, please post.
  3. G

    World of Warcraft Classic keybinds

    anything to improve let me know please. thanks.
  4. G

    Heroes of the Storm Keybinds for The Lost Vikings

    This is what I have so far for the lost vikings in heroes of the storm. I'm not entirely sure on what the top keys should be, so how about more camera macros! I'm working on other heroes as well. What are your thoughts? Shift is currently bound to the Mouse. Thinking of putting alt there as well.