Recent content by ph0x

  1. P

    Up flick keys hard to use?

    A lot is indeed depending on the practise. During the first tries I was barely able to move a finger without triggering other paddles. Now I can even grip the device pretty firmly and still only press the buttons I want. This way even the knuckle buttons can eventually be used for something...
  2. P


    Did you configure it as WASD or as analog stick? You can also adjust the angle for the single keys in the software, so it shouldn't be any different from pressing W and A at the same time, for example.
  3. P

    Where is key 21?

    or 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34 and 35?
  4. P

    Is there any way to bind two buttons to a thumbstick position simultaneously?

    I just took a look again and yes, you can assign W+H for one direction of the joystick. Since I don't have the game I cannot say if it has the desired outcome, though.
  5. P

    Is there any way to bind two buttons to a thumbstick position simultaneously?

    The easiest way would be to bind H to another button and keep that one pressed while you push the joystick.
  6. P

    Press the wrong key when using an AZERTY keyboard

    It is true that this information is somewhat hidden in the forum. However, you usually - and certainly after a short amount of playing - don't try to remember which keyboard button is mapped to which Azeron button, but rather learn which Azeron button actually does what, so it's a question of...
  7. P

    Valheim Support

    I switched from WASD on keyboard to a Cyborg and it was already a big improvement. Given that the gamepad support of Valheim is pretty bad imho, I doubt that it will work properly. You can, however, also assign gamepad buttons in the Azeron software and thus emulate a real gamepad, maybe the...