Azeron classic connection issue


New member
Feb 6, 2024
Ok love my azeron classic, its been great for 2 years I think? But recently it would disconnect reconnect, I could hear the sounds from my pc. That progressed to disconnecting, but if I wiggled the wire or repositioned the wire near the base of the azeron it would reconnect and stay connected as long as I didnt move the wire. That progressed to disconnecting more often and not being as easy to fiddle the wire into a good position. Finally it progressed so bad it became unusable, I assumed it was a wire connection problem, so I bought 3 wires and opened up the azeron to connect them, one of the wires can get a connection if I move the "main board" a bit and hold it in a position, but I cant just screw everything down like before with the new wire as it wont connect. So its not the wire having problems connecting, its the board itself, somewhere theres a connection issue, Im just wondering how it progressed over time. Ive tried plugging it in directly and using a hub. I cant flash firmware or anything like that as I cant get a connection at all except briefly if I move the main board around and get lucky for half a second. Lights come on and pc makes a noise when theres a connection, no lights and no noise when theres not.

Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021
Ok love my azeron classic, its been great for 2 years I think? But recently it would disconnect reconnect, I could hear the sounds from my pc. That progressed to disconnecting, but if I wiggled the wire or repositioned the wire near the base of the azeron it would reconnect and stay connected as long as I didnt move the wire. That progressed to disconnecting more often and not being as easy to fiddle the wire into a good position. Finally it progressed so bad it became unusable, I assumed it was a wire connection problem, so I bought 3 wires and opened up the azeron to connect them, one of the wires can get a connection if I move the "main board" a bit and hold it in a position, but I cant just screw everything down like before with the new wire as it wont connect. So its not the wire having problems connecting, its the board itself, somewhere theres a connection issue, Im just wondering how it progressed over time. Ive tried plugging it in directly and using a hub. I cant flash firmware or anything like that as I cant get a connection at all except briefly if I move the main board around and get lucky for half a second. Lights come on and pc makes a noise when theres a connection, no lights and no noise when theres not.
Check the connector, see if its soldered on properly.
Also lift the board up, see if the reset button is still there.