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Verified member
Sep 20, 2022
Can you tell us approximately WHEN the software is coming? The reWASD is not good for me so I am just staring at my Cyborg wishing for that software package.


Apr 22, 2022
Can you tell us approximately WHEN the software is coming? The reWASD is not good for me so I am just staring at my Cyborg wishing for that software package.
reWASD is the best software ever made, what is the issue?


Verified member
Sep 20, 2022
reWASD is the best software ever made, what is the issue?
I concede. I'm working with it, but refuse to pay extra for the features I have on the G-13 (logitech). So macros and double clicks used often in GW2, etc. are still a problem. I do agree about reWASD being awesome. It's powerful the way that Photoshop is. Big learning curve for a newb like me.


Apr 22, 2022
but refuse to pay extra for the features I have on the G-13 (logitech). So macros and double clicks used often in GW2, etc. are still a problem.
I understand that. See most people just needed a good remapped, so people wanted a way to get reWASD cheaper as they didn't need said features so they broke it in to parts. This way everyone can get the features they want without buying everything. I just paid for the full software as it was only $24 USD and for me it's well worth the price.


Verified member
Sep 20, 2022
I understand that. See most people just needed a good remapped, so people wanted a way to get reWASD cheaper as they didn't need said features so they broke it in to parts. This way everyone can get the features they want without buying everything. I just paid for the full software as it was only $24 USD and for me it's well worth the price.
It's not the price that gets me, I was happy to give $200+ for the Cyborg. It's the principal of the thing. So when the Azeron software is finally done, then the EXTRA I paid is wasted. I know ... business is business, but it irks me anyway. Azeron should provide the features. Those of us buying in the interim are getting a raw deal.

Im this guy

Staff member
Nov 5, 2021
It's not the price that gets me, I was happy to give $200+ for the Cyborg. It's the principal of the thing. So when the Azeron software is finally done, then the EXTRA I paid is wasted. I know ... business is business, but it irks me anyway. Azeron should provide the features. Those of us buying in the interim are getting a raw deal.
Didn't fully get what you mean, but the price of Cyborgs will stay the same after software launch.
So you`re a winner in this case as you get Azeron software, but with delay and the reWASD lifetime licence.
Hope I understood you correctly.


Verified member
Sep 20, 2022
Didn't fully get what you mean, but the price of Cyborgs will stay the same after software launch.
So you`re a winner in this case as you get Azeron software, but with delay and the reWASD lifetime licence.
Hope I understood you correctly.
I am making some guesses here, but I imagine that;

Azeron (the company) would have failed when the pcb hardware became unavailable, so they made their own. Business necessity. BUT the software is a bigger challenge, it will take more time. Unless Azeron is backed by Bill Gates or Elon Musk, they MUST keep selling Cyborgs to stay afloat. So . . . Rewasd is contacted to make a deal. "We (Azeron) provide the basic Rewasd licence (the free trial package) with the Cyborg containing our new pcb. This introduces Rewasd to thousands of people who perhaps would never have heard of it AND who will probably buy the full Rewasd package." (the basic Rewasd license could be provided to Cyborg customers at no cost to Azeron.)

This way Azeron stays alive with continued cash flow, AND Rewasd profits through many new customers because the basic Rewasd is not okay for serious gamers. It is the free trial, to show gamers what it could do if you buy it. But it is a free trial for life, so what? It's not enough now, as is, and will not get any better without money being spent.

Do you see? It's a win-win deal, right? ......................................... WRONG

The loser is the new Cyborg customer who is not getting a complete product!!! Azeron is selling the Cyborg with the new pcb at the same price as always, knowing that it is not complete, knowing that their new customers will probably have to spend their own money to make it work right. (so what, do they expect us to just not play our favorite games in the meantime, or play them gimped without the abilities we need?) Azeron has put the loss onto the customer. This is not professional. It is bad business if customer loyalty is important.

For us interim customers who are waiting on the software, the full Rewasd package should have been provided! Instead, that cost is put on us, the customer. We are asked to "join the group of loyal Azeron fans" and BE PATIENT with Azeron because "They are doing their best to get the software finished so we, the customers, will be satisfied." It means that while we wait for the software, our Cyborg will not work right, UNLESS we spend more money for the Rewasd.

I'm not sure if this is a good explanation of my gripe, but there it is.

With all that said, I finally bought the full Rewasd package. I want to play my games and the Rewasd trial package will not work for me. Rewasd is not shafting customers here, Azeron is, and the Rewasd software is very good. It's hard to imagine how much work went into it.

I hope someone from Azeron sees this. We gamers are not stupid. Some of us may have thought this through. You should make this right.


Apr 22, 2022
Do you see? It's a win-win deal, right? ......................................... WRONG

The loser is the new Cyborg customer who is not getting a complete product!!! Azeron is selling the Cyborg with the new pcb at the same price as always, knowing that it is not complete, knowing that their new customers will probably have to spend their own money to make it work right.
Wrong! Azeron software was never and never will be anything close to reWASD! The features you are getting with reWASD are the same or more then the azeron software. You would have to buy the other features offered by reWASD anyway because you can't get them with azeron software...
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