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  1. P

    DayZ Keybinds for those that could use the help

    Here are my keybinds for DayZ on my Azeron Cyborg Compact:
  2. P

    Are you kidding me?!?

    Not a single post/thread has the term "DayZ" in it. Am I the only one of us that plays DayZ on the Azeron(cyborg compact)?
  3. P

    Various profile's

    Have you found or made a good keybind mapping that you could recommend for the azeron cyborg since this post?
  4. P

    Various profile's

    I am also looking for a keybinds list for Minecraft and have never used keyboard when playing Minecraft, only controller so no idea what keyboard buttons do what. So can we please get a keybinding recommendation? It is a pretty popular game so I thought you would have it but no such luck...