Search results

  1. F

    Looking for a Profile for Jedi Survivor

    Ummm.... humm. So I got the invite but I'm getting a locked/no access to the channel. What am I missing? (I'm not super familiar with Discord :(
  2. F

    Looking for a Profile for Jedi Survivor

    I tried the link but it timed out and I did a search for Azeron but nothing came up :(
  3. F

    Looking for a Profile for Jedi Survivor

    Thanks. I have to admit it's taking a little to get used to the Cyborg :oops: and having access to already made key profiles is a real help.
  4. F

    Looking for a Profile for Jedi Survivor

    I'm still getting used to my new Cyborg Compact and I'm looking for a good Jedi Survivor Profile, thanks in advance!